The Python Catalysis Kinetics (PyCatKin) toolset is an object-oriented Python package
to perform kinetics calculations including microkinetic modelling and energy span analysis.
The core of the code is a set of modules in which states are loaded
(for example, using energies from first-principles calculations),
elementary reactions are defined (adsorption, Langmuir-Hinshelwood etc.),
boundary conditions/reactors are specified, and a system object is instantiated.
Then, the equations for the surface kinetics can be solved using an ODE or steady-state method.
There is also an energy module for drawing and assessing reaction energy landscapes
and considering rate determining states.
I developed PyCatKin over the course of my postdoc at Chalmers and
used it to perform kinetics calculations in several publications, including:
- CO oxidation on nanoparticles
- Ethanol conversion to 1,3-butadiene on MgO
- Direct methane conversion to methanol in Cu-SSZ-13.